Melanie Cypko
Sportenthusiast, Personal Trainer, Model & Power Mom
My story and how Melletics was born
Already as a child I got to know the fun of sport through my parents, but with growing up came the job, the time for sport and myself became fewer and serious physical problems began.

My sporting interests and main focuses were swimming, skating, self-defense, acrobatics and pole dancing. Some of them I did for many years and most of them did me good and enriched me.

As a young woman in physical development, I began training as a laboratory assistant. This was followed by ten years of daily work in clean room laboratories at the microscope, next to noisy machines, with artificial light, with dangerous substances and poor, predominantly bent postures. It led to long-term problems with my spine and thus difficult breathing and pain while sleeping. After many clinical studies, the only solution was to change jobs and do sports every day.
My early interest in sport made it easy for me to get started, but I asked myself the questions; Which sport stresses the body evenly, counteracts the usual posture problems and is also versatile enough to motivate me in the long term?
My goal was to have fun in the sport in the long term and to be able to look forward to the next training session. I began to put together my own training concepts from the many different sports. I shared the fun I had with friends and acquaintances and was able to help young mothers to get fit again. This is how Melletics was actually born, without even knowing it.

After I became a mother myself, I dared to change my job to become a fitness coach in 2016. I got one trainer license after another; as a medical fitness trainer, various in the field of personal training and twice as a trainer for pregnant women and mothers with their newborns.

I started to put together my own training concepts from the many different sports. I shared the fun I had with friends and acquaintances and was able to help young mothers to get fit again. This is how Melletics was actually born, without even knowing it.

When I moved to the Netherlands without knowing the Dutch language, I visited social clubs, received warm support and thanked them for this warmth with free group training for the club members. My self-developed training concept was enthusiastically accepted. In the course of the following years I trained more and more clubs, first in the Netherlands and later back in Germany, with the same enthusiasm of my participants.
The majority of us are not athletes and many have physical or emotional problems for various reasons that have evolved over many years.
The majority of us also see the need for sport not in the urge to become professional, but to get and stay fit into old age.
The majority of us are looking for a sport that trains the whole body and balance and ideally also keeps the mind fit. It should be varied and fun.
Melletics was created for exactly those of us.

Since 2020 I've been back in Berlin, I started to train Melletics in local clubs and give courses in the surrounding parks. The pandemic was a big cut in our usual lives for all of us, but out of necessity to offer my training online to others at home, a long-term and successful online program was created.

Two new personal training programs followed, Back-to-Power and PowerMom, in which, in addition to my passion for sport, I mainly help with my expertise in medical fitness and mothers with newborn babies. Two programs for only selected cases that urgently need a change in life and special support.

Melletics is not just a sport that is fun, I want to give my participants an attitude towards life and live it. Having time and energy as a mother, wife and entrepreneur, being there for family, friends and yourself at the same time is only possible if you get the right support and the mind and body are in harmony.
In addition to the projects already presented, I'm working on another company, supporting a health start-up and having fun as a model. The important thing is that it has to be fun!

Write me!
If you would like to find out more about me, Melletics, the special personal training programs or the other projects, write to me, it doesn't cost anything to ask and I'll be happy to answer.
