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With Melanie
I help new moms who have problems, worries and fears about their body and appearance, who lack the bond with their child and do not have the right support.
I offer a special, individual 3-month program that provides clarity, makes you physically and mentally stronger and more confident, and builds and strengthens the bond with your child so that you will end up loving yourself and your time with your child.

CLARITY - Your Success Mindset:
The start to becoming a fearless Powermom. Feel supported, understand where you are and what you can achieve and become fully motivated for a fresh start, even if you have failed and tried many times before.

PLAY TIME - Grow with your Child:
Your child can consume your energy if you don't know how to handle it. Learn the stages of your child, how to support it and how to spend time with it. Go from energy loss to energy source and growth!

RESTART - Back to Power &
Inner Beauty:
MELLETICS Starter Training (Part 1): Focused Partial-Body Training with your Baby. Find and Recharge your Power and Reignite your Mother-Child Connection, in a sustainable and safe way.

OUTBREAK - Strengthen your and your Baby’s Immune System
Time to get out! Outside Training with Stroller-Training and Carrier bag - Back to Power Mom conditioning!

POWERMOM - Full Power,
Beauty & Confidence
MELLETICS Advanced Power Training (Part 2): Intensive Full-body training with your baby and by yourself - Focus on rebuilding abdominal muscles maximising your Strength and Power.

Do you fell overwhelmed as a new mom, do you find it challenging to feel a bond with your child and to enjoy it like other mothers? Do you feel lonely sometimes, receiving little or no support from your partner or family? Is their a creeping throught, haunting you, that if you do not change your ways, everything will remain how they are right or even worsen, when it comes to your own wellbeing and physical fitness? Would you like to be able to look in the mirror and see yourself back in shape and beautiful? Do you wants to be a good mother that loves her child and loves to spend time with it? More so would you like to feel desired and needed by your child, partner and others, but feel little to no support from your partner or family in order to make a change for yourself?
If any of this feels familiar to you, then you´ve come to the right place. In Mel-training for PowerMoms we understand your situation and has the proven formular to take you, even as a beginner to your true potential as the PowerMom that you know that you can be. Feeling empowered, joyfull with your child, desired by your partner, strong and powerful.

You have probably seen a lot of the successtories and transformation pictures allready. But what ground work for all of these amazing stories I´ve had the pleasure to help? It´d the process where you will learn more about your own body, what diet and training that really works the best for you! I will give you the best tools, so you don´t only get amazing resuslts during your course, but also so that you get to keep your results on your own and will continue your development long after the course has ended and will stay with you for the rest of your life!

Testimonial Power Mom

Testimonial Power Mom

Testimonial Power Mom

Testimonial Power Mom

My Story
I developed my love for health and fitness as a child, and my interests and focus were swimming, skating, self-defense, acrobatics and pole dance. But I worked as a laboratorian for a decade and, constantly bent at work in front of a microscope, and it led to permanent problems. Moreso, as a young pregnant woman I moved with my husband first to another city and later as a young mother to another country.

How I Overcame it..
I learned a lot and quickly, and finally turned my passion for sport into a profession. Licenced as a personal trainer, I have a double certification specialized as a medical fitness trainer from institutes in both Germany and Netherlands as a trainer for pregnant women and mothers with their newborns.
In order to make sport and physical activity fun in the long run, I developed my own MELLETICS training concept (mindful, endurance, low-impact athletics combined with music), with hundreds of enthusiastic attendees. MELLETICS aims for a full-body workout with fun - so that even those who are difficult to motivate will start to like doing physical training or participate in sports.

I Felt lonely and powerles…
I developed my love for health and fitness as a child, and my interests and focus were swimming, skating, self-defense, acrobatics and pole dance. But I worked as a laboratorian for a decade and, constantly bent at work in front of a microscope, and it led to permanent problems. Moreso, as a young pregnant woman I moved with my husband first to another city and later as a young mother to another country.


Today, I am a confident, loving and a living example of a power mom and a businesswoman that overcame the challenges I didn't think I ever would.
And it is my mission to help other moms achieve that success too through the proven system I have taken dozen of other helpless moms through with great long lasting results.